Bilton Historical Society is a local history society based at the Bilton Community Centre, Bilton Lane, Harrogate HG1 3DU, North Yorkshire, England.
The Society was formed in 1996 to record, investigate and promote an awareness of Bilton's heritage and future, to unravel the secrets of Bilton’s past, its people, buildings, railways industry, the royal hunting park and a lost way of life. The Society has successfully completed three Community Archaeology Projects supported by grants from the Local Heritage Initiative.
We publish a regular newsletter and organise a programme of talks and slide shows during the winter months.
The Society has a Study Group which is involved in local history research. The Group meets at the Bilton Community Centre, Bilton Lane, Harrogate on alternate Tuesday mornings (except August) from 9:30 am to 12 noon.
Although we already have a core team we welcome new volunteers to join us. We also want to make contact with anyone who has something interesting to say about the area, life here, how it has changed, the personalities etc. No research or academic experience is necessary, the existing team started out as complete novices and has picked up the necessary new skills and expertise working on the previous projects.
If you are interested and would like to learn more about the history of Bilton please contact us or come along to the study group. See Study Group for the dates, or visit us at Bilton and Woodfield Community Library, Woodfield Road, HG1 4HZ on the third Thursday of the month from 2pm to 4 pm, for the Historical Society drop in session.
Membership of the Society is £6 a year or £10 for two people living at the same address.